Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Were Have All the Brownies Gone?

Where have all the Brownies gone,
Long time passing?
Where have all the Brownies gone,
Long time ago?
Where have all the Brownies gone?
Gone to school everyone...
When will they ever learn?
When will they ever learn?

Where have all the schools gone,
Long time passing?
Where have all the schools gone,
Long time ago?
Where have all the schools gone?
Gone to testing everyone...
When will they ever learn?
When will they ever learn?

Where have all the tests gone,
Long time passing?
Where have all the tests gone,
Long time ago?
Where have all the tests gone?
Gone to paychecks everyone...
When will they ever learn?
When will they ever learn?

This wasn't meant to be a statement on standardized testing, but it seemed fitting today. I originally began this post because it's been a LONG time since I've written. We really have been at school. I did my student teaching and now I'm subbing nearly full time while looking for a music education job. 

Today was a STAAR testing day. I subbed in 1st grade. They weren't testing, but they had to stay quiet nearly all day so as not to disturb the other grades that were testing. And they didn't get PE or the other specials, and NO recess. Either of those may have disturbed those testing. The grades testing were 3-6. 

Have you ever watched a 1st grader try to stay quiet in a classroom for 4 hours straight? No recess, no ANYTHING? Just quiet desk work? You can let them rotate so their blood circulation doesn't completely stop... By noon, you could see the pent up energy trying to break free from the insides of their sweet little bodies. They announced the end of testing at 1 pm and there was an audible cheer that rang from classrooms outside of the one I was in. The kids joined in hesitantly. You could tell they wanted to, but they were afraid they'd get in huge trouble if they did. Luckily the school decided to allow them a 15 minute recess about 1:20. That was 15 minutes of non-stop tornados (too many to count from 1st and 2nd grade) all over the playground.

But back to the original reason for the post. I had been so caught up in student teaching that I'd forgotten I even had a blog. Now that I remember, hopefully there will be more posts!

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